Hey, Babe!
I'm Paige Killian, founder and CEO of Everything with Style...what was originally my professional organizing biz.
However, this little side-hustle I started as a Mom and former elementary school teacher, has grown into so much more.
While navigating through the ups and downs along the way, I've learned the art of the pivot, and it's led to some exponential blessings.
In the process of parenting and entrepreneurship, I've become a speaker, bestselling author, multi-award winning podcaster, and Mompreneur Strategist.
Now I'm sharing exactly how I turned my desire for MORE into my mission to help you do the same!
So what's next...
I help women embrace change and pivot with confidence in their life and
business using my
3 E's Philosophy, a simplified 3-step
goal setting strategy that eliminates the overwhelm and inspires action!
Ever find yourself wondering,
"Is this it?"
At a crossroads or another roadblock and feel restless?
Have a stirring in your heart that keeps you up at night?
Feel compelled to use your God-given gifts to serve in some way, but you're paralyzed by fear or uncertainty?
If so, I'd love to help you go from stuck and stressed to focused and fulfilled!

I've Got You, Girlfriend!
Why Getting Organized & Living This Mom Life is NOT
a Solo Mission
#1 in New Releases
Click this link to BUY NOW!

Now available on Kindle, Paperback, Hardcover & Audiobook
As a busy Mom of littles myself and a former elementary school teacher for more than a decade, I've learned a thing or two about purging the clutter, intentionally organizing my home and business, and outsourcing when I need help. Just like my former kindergarten students produced great results when tasked with 3 simple directions, I realized busy Moms appreciate that simplicity for accomplishing goals too!
In a fast-paced Pinterest world of 7-10 steps to get to your desired results, my clients and even I feel totally overwhelmed by that. We have so much to think about each day and our to-do list gathers more items, sometimes by the hour. So, why not break down our tasks in our home and business to just 3 simple steps, because who has time for more than that?
video by oneloveproductions.net
I’ve developed and tested The 3 E’s Philosophy, a simple but intentional 3-step strategy to get started and complete your goals and do it with style! These 3 E’s: Essentials, Enhancements, and Extras will have you seeing results in organizing your home and business without feeling completely overwhelmed and stressed. That’s not a great feeling and it shouldn’t be your reality. Instead, I want you to feel more productive and ready to give yourself more credit for all the things you do for your family and community.
My mission is your success! In an effort to assist you in getting more focused on the desires of your heart, and less on the clutter and chaos around you, I've created online courses in each area that Moms commonly consider, offer personal strategy sessions (for your life & biz), in-home visits, and will also come speak at your next group event to share exactly how you can do Everything With Style!
"We can't do everything perfectly, but we can do Everything With Style!"
-Paige Killian
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