Achieve both form and function when you toss (recycle, of course) those mismatched boxes and decant your items into lovely clear containers!
Bonus points if you slap a helpful label on them!
This week, we’re talking about decluttering all the spaces in your home, like your pantry, countertops, cabinets and more, and making them work better for you and your family.
Ditching the hodgepodge of branded packaging from your space and replacing them with the proper organization containers you can see through will save you time, money, and even your sanity! Listen to this episode to find out how and share it with a friend so she gets to enjoy the benefits of form and function in her home too.
Highlights from this episode:
{2:16} It's not just a pantry thing
{5:13} Make your food beautiful to look at
{7:47} Take the stress out of shopping lists
{10:17} It saves you in the sanity department
Mentioned on this episode:
Container Store
The Home Edit
Don’t miss my Instagram Reel @everythingwithstylemom where I show you how I debox and decant items in my pantry! Share it if ya liked it and tag me!
Ready to get organized without the stress and overwhelm? Keep it simple with my 3 E’s Checklist you can download now to move your projects forward quickly and efficiently! Just fill in your name and email address and the checklist will come straight to your inbox.
Have more than 3 things to accomplish? No problem! Once you’ve completed your first list of Essentials, Enhancements, and Extras simply start a new one. Instead of having a million things on your list at first, which is a recipe for overwhelm, choose 3 things for your focus. Then move on to the next 3. You’ve got this!
For more resources to organize and style your busy life in 3 simple steps, checkout EverythingWithStyle.com, listen to my FREE Masterclass, and connect with me on Instagram @everythingwithstylemom for some organization motivation!
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