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Episode 071: Hiring a Sitter


We’re talking about the amazingness of hiring a sitter to give you a much needed hand on this episode!

When was the last time you had someone watch the kids so you could get stuff done solo, meet up with a friend, have a date night, or get in a workout or massage without interruption?

If it’s been a minute, I’m here to tell you that when Mom gets a break from the delightful and sometimes exhausting responsibilities of parenting those littles, everyone wins!

On this episode I talk about all the great reasons to hire a trusted, recommended sitter or nanny, or find a certified pro through a reputable service (see the link below), without feeling the mom guilt of making some time for you. Yes, please!

Highlights from this episode:

{2:50} You don't have to do it all yourself

{4:54} It's time to hire a sitter

{7:09} Different ways to find a good sitter

{11:55} It will make you a better person

{15:40} Professionals come with valuable skills

{17:31} Don't be afraid to ask for extras

{20:41} Give feedback and share requests

{22:13} Show your appreciation

Mentioned on this episode:

Ready to ask someone to help you in your home, but overwhelmed with where to start? Keep it simple with my 3 E’s Checklist you can download now to move your projects forward without all the overwhelm and stress! Just fill in your name and email address and the checklist will come straight to your inbox!

Have more than 3 things to accomplish? No problem! Once you’ve completed your first list of Essentials, Enhancements, and Extras simply start a new one. Instead of having a million things on your list at first, which is a recipe for overwhelm, choose 3 things for your focus. Then move on to the next 3. You’ve got this!

For more resources to organize and style your busy life in 3 simple steps, checkout and connect with me on Instagram @everythingwithstylemom for some organization motivation!

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