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Episode 139: Organize Your Spices


I’m using my 3 E’s again to keep your kitchen spicy, not cluttered and disorganized!

Feeling overwhelmed by the amount of spices you’ve got because you can’t see them at a glance? Frustrated when searching for some seasoning but can’t locate the right container? Think you’ve got what you need and realize mid-recipe that it’s expired or you don’t have enough?

Try these 3 E’s to get them organized and looking good too:

Essential: Purge expired or unused spices.

Enhancement: Donate or share unused spices.

Extra: Style remaining spices with the proper containers, labels, & shelving solution.

Listen for lots of examples of how you can organize them in cabinets, drawers, and pantries!

Highlights from this episode:

(01:28) Get control of your spices!

(04:55) How to organize spices with style

(09:13) A sustainable storage solution

(16:19) Other storage options

(18:47) Utilizing stair-step storage for visibility

Mentioned on this episode:

My Personal Faves:

I hope this episode inspires you to try some of my favorite organization solutions for your spices. It might just have you falling in love with cooking again…or at least posting some before and after pics of your spicy transformation!

Book your VIRTUAL Organizing Session with me today! You’ll be shocked at how much we can accomplish together.

Ready to feel the peace and freedom that comes from getting organized without the stress and overwhelm? Keep it simple with my FREE 3 E’s Checklist you can download now to move your projects forward quickly and efficiently! Just fill in your name and email address and the checklist will come straight to your inbox.

Big news:

My book is NOW AVAILABLE on Amazon!

If you got it already thank you so much for making it an instant BESTSELLER in multiple categories and #1 in New Releases!


Write an Amazon book REVIEW here.

For more resources to organize and style your busy life in 3 simple steps, checkout, listen to my FREE Masterclass, and connect with me on Instagram @everythingwithstylemom for some organization motivation!

Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts.

Click here to listen on Spotify.



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