Whether you’re running a business or running your home, consider doing the 3 things I’m sharing to show up as the best possible CEO of your life.
Regular prayer for guidance, asking for help from trusted sources who are knowledgeable in that area, and getting the necessary accountability for consistent support for longevity are a few of the non-negotiables I’ve found to massively impact my life and business. These things will certainly benefit you as a CEO!
(4:55) The Chief Everything Officer
(9:21) Self-care as the CEO of life
(13:35) My first pregnancy
(17:55) Take life one step at a time
(22:53) Find your accountability partner
My 4-Day Online Organizing Challenge is back! Join me virtually March 11th-14th 9am PST to start your year off organized! Click the link for details and share with a friend. Register now as spots are limited!
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