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Episode 102: A Reflection of You


Inspired by my Mom’s words, “Your home is a reflection of you,” I’m sharing how organization in my home reflects my style today.

Yes, I’ve always been a pretty organized and tidy person, but my home has had its seasons of disorganized and messy too. Our homes say a lot about our style, what our current priorities are, and how willing we are to keep it up, let it go, or ask for help in getting things done. There’s no right or wrong, just different styles, and that’s okay!

I’m sharing a recent family event, Superbowl Sunday, to describe how my home currently reflects the way I’ve organized our home and how it’s working well and allowing for grace when I can’t do it all!

Highlights from this episode:

(03:14) This one’s for my Mom

(06:32) A kitchen good enough for a chef

(12:51) Never underestimate a label

(16:10) I love organizing garages!

(20:11) Your home is a reflection of you

Mentioned on this episode:

I hope this episode inspires you to organize your home so that it reflects you and the style that works best for your family!

If you enjoyed this episode please share it with a friend, and it would mean so much to me if you could take a quick moment to write a REVIEW on Apple Podcasts!

Ready to feel the peace and freedom that comes from getting organized without the stress and overwhelm? Keep it simple with my FREE 3 E’s Checklist you can download now to move your projects forward quickly and efficiently! Just fill in your name and email address and the checklist will come straight to your inbox.

Big news:

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If you submitted an audio for the 100th Episode, THANK YOU so much! What a fun way to celebrate 100 weeks of sharing some organization motivation with you! If you haven’t listened yet, you’ve got to hear some fun takeaways from the awesome listeners who shared things they love or have learned from the podcast! I’m so grateful for you.

For more resources to organize and style your busy life in 3 simple steps, checkout, listen to my FREE Masterclass, and connect with me on Instagram @everythingwithstylemom for some organization motivation!

Click here to listen on Apple Podcasts.

Click here to listen on Spotify.



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