Kids & Schedule
If you have kids you know how important it is to have a thoughtful schedule that the whole family can rely on day to day. If you don’t have kids, you probably still know the importance of a structured schedule, simply to accomplish the many things on your to-do list. Whether it’s just you, or a house full of little personalities, time management is the key to an organized & less stressed life! Through my signature online courses, blogs, videos, & personal services I will share with you all of my secrets I use in my own home with my busy family so that you too may find some freedom in having a successful schedule.
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I will also show you how to “style your kids” in a way that eliminates clutter, encourages independence in them no matter how old they are, minimizes your to-do list, & allows more energy for the fun part…making great memories!
Here is a list of several topics, related to styling your kids & schedule (using my 3 E’s Philosophy), I discuss in my blog, videos, & personal services I mentioned above. When you subscribe to my podcast & newsletter, you will be the first to receive new information about these topics & much more!
Morning Routine
Daily/Weekly/Monthly Errands
DIY Activities
After School Routine
Bedtime Routine
Social Life/Hobbies
Party Planning

Need help organizing or styling any of these parts of your beautiful life? Contact me at paige@everythingwithstyle.com & let’s schedule your 15 Minute FREE Consultation today!
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